Friday, January 15, 2010

Sports For Life... Literally

If I were a to be in a scientific field I would go into Sports Science, mainly focusing on running. Sports Scientists studies scientific principles and theories with the goal of improving sport performance (CSS). Sports Science normally covers physiology, psychology, motor control, and biomechanics though can also cover nutrition, diet, sports technology, anthropometry kinanthropometry, and performance analysis. Human movement is a closely related field discipline that studies human movement in all contexts including that of sport (Wikipedia). Sports Scientist usually work in a lab or in a training building to assist people. One of the main jobs a Sports Scientist does is study the human body, but also run tests on people (like measuring somebodies VO2 level).

Right Image: Courtesy of Texas Instruments Cool Careers

This job suits me well because first I love sports, running in specific. I find it very interesting the science and facts that are behind running. Learning and finding these results is what I would love to do. Also, I would like this job because I have had a lot of support and knowledge given to me in my athletic career and I would like to help othersdo the same. Also this is a field where you can go to school more and more, even after a PhD to enhance the knowledge of the occupation because new information is always being found. Someone could get a college education from an associates to a doctorate.
Left Image: Courtesy of UK Sports

My goal for my working career is to get a stable salary that can support a family without much stress, increase my knowledge, and be able to do my hobby (running). This career perfectly meets all my goals; first, a Sports Scientist generally makes over $1,000 a week (Occupation Information). This can vary on where the person works and will probably increase by the time I get old enough to get the job. Secondly, I will gain a lot of knowledge in this field, and it is about what I love. Finally, I will be able to do my hobby, because that is what my work would mainly be about; running. It would be my work everyday to learn about and help others with my hobby.

A Sports Scientist also matches my learning style because the research would be by vizualising and reading which is the way I learn best. Also, in order to help others with their sport one has to watch them in order to help them. This type of scientist helps future generations because as time goes on sports are going to get more popular and a way to stay fit. With the knowledge from these scientists people can enhance performance in their sport and help them better understand what is actually happening while doing the excersise. The job that truly fits my goals and personality is a Sports Sciencist, so there would be no question that this is the occupation that I am striving to be.

For video footage of Sports Science please visit EHow: Sports Science Tips.


starspangle95 said...

This would be a really interesting career. I am also really into running and this would be an easy way to stay fit and to encourage others to stay fit. I agree that sports are becoming more popular, but I think that the amount of time people spend actually doing sports is decreasing. People spend more and more time indoors because of new videogames and the popularity of things like Facebook. These sports scientists can help reshape the future and encourage people to be more fit. Nice job Nathan!

Gretchen said...

I think it's great how you incorporated your learning style into your job choice. Also your love for running. I also agree with Kelly that this is a good career to choose to encourage people to stay fit. I also think it was clever how you incorporated Sports For Life into your title. Good Job!

uafootball4 said...

That seems pretty fun! It would be a fun job and would also reflect your interest in sports! And catchy title by the way, it reminded me of the class! Nice job, and way to emphasize the need to stay fit. That's really important nowadays. Great job!

maddiem27 said...

This would be a very interesting career, and a fun career because if sports is your passion you could continue with it all of your life. I would also want a stable career so I could support my family without having too much worry over all the money. It's also important that people stay fit. Good job.

Neil said...

The job that you chose would definitely make an interesting career and you would be one of the lucky people to actually enjoy you job. It's also cool that you can incorporate one of your hobbies into your job choice. You are obviously passionate about running and sound like you would make a very enthusiastic and talented sports scientist. Wonderful job!

Ellie said...

I agree that this career would be really interesting. I liked how you used your learning styles and hobbies to influence your decision to pick this career. It seems that you would be really good at this since you are so passionate about running. This article was very informative, good job!

Cassie said...

I agree this job would be a great match for you. It would be really interesting to test what types of things increase sports performance, and what things decrease it. You did a great job on your blog, you can tell you put a lot of effort into it.